Page 23 - My FlipBook
P. 23

D-Oven M                                                            D-Oven S

                                                        430 kg                                                                 360 kg

                   Dimensions:                                                          Dimensions:                                                     23

                      •   Full size (W x H x D):  1090 x 1830 x 1260 mm                     •   Full size (W x H x D):  870 x 1830 x 1260 mm
                      •   Full cooking chamber (W x H x D):                                 •   Full cooking chamber (W x H x D): 
                          700 x 1000 x 1050 mm                                                  470x 1000 x 1050 mm
                      •   Size of cooking grates: 690 x 690 mm                              •   Size of cooking grates: 450 x 690 mm
                      •   Number of cooking grates: 2 stainless steel                       •   Number of cooking grates: 2 stainless steel
                          + 1 expanded steel + 1 hanging grate                                  + 1 expanded steel + 1 hanging grate
                      •   Number of grate positions: 7                                      •   Number of grate positions: 7
                      •   Dripping pan in the cooking chamber:                              •   Dripping pan in the cooking chamber: 
                          1 GN 2/1 65 mm                                                        2 GN 2/3 65 mm
                   Capacity            for 50 kg meat:                                  Capacity            for 30-35 kg meat:

                      •  20-24 pork knuckles                                                •  14-16 pork knuckles
                      •  6-8 large American briskets                                        •  4-6 large American briskets
                      •  6-8 Boston butts, etc.                                             •  4-6 Boston butts, etc.
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